Bloembollenbedrijf Jan de Wit en Zonen B.V.

Bloembollenbedrijf Jan de Wit en Zonen B.V.

Co.'s profile(Chinese)我司 Jan de Wit en Zonen B.V. 自 1922 年以来一直是家族企业,专门从事花卉种球的出口、处理和栽培。我们主要供应郁金香和百合种球,也供应风信子、鸢尾、朱顶红等其他花卉种球。我们活跃于(中)东欧、斯堪的纳维亚和亚洲等不同市场。2022 年,我们庆祝了公司成立 100 周年,并荣获威廉-亚历山大国王陛下授予的 "荷兰王室御用 "荣誉称号。

Co.'s profile(English)Our company Jan de Wit en Zonen B.V. has been a family business since 1922, and specialises in the export, preparation, and cultivation of flower bulbs. We mostly supply tulip and lily bulbs, but also other flower bulbs such as hyacinths, irises, hippeastrum, etc. We are active on different markets, such as (Central) Eastern Europe, Scandinavia and Asia. Last year, in 2022, we celebrated our 100th anniversary, and received the honorary title ‘By Appointment to the Court of the Netherlands’ from His Majesty King Willem-Alexander.

Exhibit Profile

Booth No.W1 A214

Logo (Chinese name):Jan de Wit en Zonen         Logo (English name):Jan de Wit en Zonen


Online ServiceTime:8:30-17:00

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