Co.'s profile(Chinese)德国福洛伽有限公司成立于 1 9 1 9 年 ,至今已有100多年的历史,专业从事于泥炭土和园艺栽培基质领域的开发、生产和销售。Floragard品牌是育苗栽培领域高品质的标识,是作物得以安全稳定生长的保障。 我们的业务范围遍布世界各地,我们优质的基质产品可满足每一位客户的需求。为满足不同的作物以及不断变化的技术环境对基质的不同需求,我们福洛伽的技术部门与德国基质领域的专家一直有交流合作,研究不同作物的种植方法、技术设备乃至气候条件的影响,从而开发出更有针对性的基质配方。我们的数据库中有超过6000多个的基质配方,这是我们100多年努力的经验积累。
Co.'s profile(English)Our high-grade range of substrates and peat products satisfies every customer’s needs. In the meantime, however, the requirements and technical circumstances of numerous crops are frequently just as special and unique as the great variety found in the horticultural industry. For this reason, Floragard offers mutual cooperation with our substrate field experts and the Technical Department of Horticulture. The purpose is to work on crops, growing methods, technical equipment and climatic conditions of the horticultural business and to develop individually tailored special substrates. To determine the optimal recipe for your substrates with regard to the composition, structure, fertilization and pH value, there are numerous possibilities. More than 4000 different substrate recipes in the Floraexpert database reflect more than 100 years of experience and our effort to offer the optimal solution for each substrate user.
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